Cephas Ministries to Freemasons
Where Did the Masonic Priesthood originate?

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Morals and Dogma of "Ancient" Rites - How Ancient?

Origin of the priesthood was taken from the book: Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike, Grand Commander 1859 - 1891 Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States and Published by its Authority. Washington D.C. 1964
In the chapter called: "Prince of the Tabernacle"
(p 380) "Isis was the Goddess of Sais; and the famous Feast of Lights was celebrated there in her honor. There were celebrated the Mysteries, in which were represented the death and subsequent restoration to life of the God Osiris (god of the underworld), in secret ceremony and scenic representation of his sufferings, called the Mysteries of Night. (obviously a parallel to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but of darkness rather than light).
The King of Egypt often exercised the functions of the Priesthood; and they were initiated into the sacred science as soon as they attained the throne. So at Athens, the First Magistrate, or Archon-King, superintended the Mysteries. This was an image of the union that existed between the Priesthood and Royalty, in those early times when legislators and kings sought in religion a potent political instrument.
On pages: 387 & 388 we have the following: "In the procession of the festival, Lucius saw the image of the Goddess, on either side of which were female attendants, that, "with ivory combs in their hands, made believe, by the motion of their arms and the twisting of their fingers, to comb and ornament the Goddess' royal hair." Afterward clad in linen robes, came the inititated. "The hair of the women was moistened by perfume, and enveloped in a tansparent covering; but the men, terrestrial stars, as it were, of the great religion were thoroughly shaven, and their bald heads shone exceedingly."
"Afterward came the Priests, in robes of white linen. The first bore a lamp in the form of a boat, emitting a flame from an orifice in the middle: the second, a small altar: the third, a golden palmtree; and the fourth displayed the figure of a left hand, the palm open and expanded, "representing thereby a symbol of equity and fair-dealing, of which the left hand, as slower than the right hand, and more void of skill and craft, is therefore an appropriate emblem."
After Lucius had, by the grace of Isis, recovered his human form, the Priest said to him, "Calamity hath no hold on those whom our Goddess hath chosen for her service, and whom her majesty hath vindicated." And the people declared that he was fortunate to be "thus after a manner born again, and at once betrothed to the service of the Holy Ministry."

(Comments in parenthesis and bold lettering are inserted by the editor of Cephas Ministries)

Jesus said: "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Matthew 15:9) "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." (Mark 7:13)

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